喉镜检查:COVID-19大流行期间的防护教程视频 1
喉镜检查:COVID-19大流行期间的防护教程视频 2
喉镜检查:COVID-19大流行期间的防护教程视频 3

Medical expertise Prof. Markus M. Hess, MD
Markus Hess, MD, is a dedicated otolaryngologist and phoniatrician (speech-language pathology and medicine), subspecializing in laryngology, phonosurgery, and disorders of professional voice users. He is founder and Head of the first Voice Clinic in Germany (DEUTSCHE STIMMKLINIK). Prof. Hess is an internationally recognized authority in the treatment of voice disorders, having been invited to teach in university and professional society contexts in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Mexico, Columbia and, of course, all European countries.
He accepted 1998 a position as full professor at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and Professor of Phoniatrics. Dr. Hess graduated from University Medical School, Düsseldorf, and Freie Universität, Berlin, and is a fellowship trained, board-certified Otolaryngologist and board-certified phoniatrist. He trained as a HEISENBERG PhD fellow from the German Research Council (DFG) at HARVARD medical school and lectured thereafter for many years as active member and visiting lecturer within the HARVARD – M.I.T. health science and technology program. He is a leading physician-scientist in the area of research of basic voice physiology, vocal fold vibration analysis and voice disorders.
Dr. Hess brings a multidisciplinary approach to such patients as public speakers, singers, and actors. Patients receive cutting-edge minimally invasive techniques in laryngeal microsurgery as well as office-based voice surgery in topical anesthesia. Dr. Hess is a founding member of the ‘German Society of Phonosurgery’ and continuously contributes to the voice field as a member of editorial boards, medical journals and numerous national and international committees.
Markus Hess, MD, is a dedicated otolaryngologist and phoniatrician (speech-language pathology and medicine), subspecializing in laryngology, phonosurgery, and disorders of professional voice users. He is founder and Head of the first Voice Clinic in Germany (DEUTSCHE STIMMKLINIK). Prof. Hess is an internationally recognized authority in the treatment of voice disorders, having been invited to teach in university and professional society contexts in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Mexico, Columbia and, of course, all European countries.
He accepted 1998 a position as full professor at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and Professor of Phoniatrics. Dr. Hess graduated from University Medical School, Düsseldorf, and Freie Universität, Berlin, and is a fellowship trained, board-certified Otolaryngologist and board-certified phoniatrist. He trained as a HEISENBERG PhD fellow from the German Research Council (DFG) at HARVARD medical school and lectured thereafter for many years as active member and visiting lecturer within the HARVARD – M.I.T. health science and technology program. He is a leading physician-scientist in the area of research of basic voice physiology, vocal fold vibration analysis and voice disorders.
Dr. Hess brings a multidisciplinary approach to such patients as public speakers, singers, and actors. Patients receive cutting-edge minimally invasive techniques in laryngeal microsurgery as well as office-based voice surgery in topical anesthesia. Dr. Hess is a founding member of the ‘German Society of Phonosurgery’ and continuously contributes to the voice field as a member of editorial boards, medical journals and numerous national and international committees.
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